Recently, we bought $45.00 worth of batteries for use in flashlights. It occurred to me that we were spending quite a bit of money to keep flashlights in fresh batteries for basically emergency use. My mind kept asking me, was it worth it? Especially since the next time I needed a flashlight, the batteries were dead. Since then I have started stocking up on flashlights that do not need batteries. Shake flashlights, ones that use a little magnet and store a charge crank flashlights, a flashlight that uses crank power to create a charge that will last up to 20 minutes. It occurred to me that it was actually cheaper to buy a flashlight of that type rather than a conventional one that needed batteries. I never needed to buy batteries again. I would always have a flashlight at my disposal that would actually work when I needed it. I would never have to worry if my flashlight would work in an emergency situation. Not only are there flashlights using such technology, but camping lights used this type of technology as well. Some use solar and crank type system to ensure continuous light. It is amazing to think that our technology has taken us so far.
Could it be that such technology was being used for other fundamental products? It was worth some research. To my surprise, we have solar powered watches that will operate for months off a single full charge. It is not necessary for them to be in full sunlight to be charging, artificial light will work also. We have radios that will charge using solar or crank power. Again, why am I buying batteries? Solar cells can be used to charge radios, cell phones, out door weather stations, radar detectors, even a car battery when necessary. Solar cell packs are now powerful enough to use as a charging unit for camping sites. Solar power is being used as a source of electric power to maintain a home environment. Solar cells are now made in to roll up or fold up for easy transportation. Solar cells are now being used on back packs. They are charging while a person is carrying items from place to place. How convenient it is to have our very own portable power Station to go.
Solar lighting fixtures have become very popular. It is so much easier to install solar lighting fixtures as opposed to conventional lighting fixtures. With conventional lighting fixtures, wiring must be installed from an electric source, usually the main electrical box, to the electrical fixture. An electrician is then needed to install the unit. On the other hand, a solar unit only needs to be installed on a pole or stake. In the case of a security light, the installation maybe on the side of a building, or a wall. As long as the solar cell is facing the sun and is not in the shade, the light will work fine. The setup time is minimal and the need to call in a professional to install the light is usually not necessary. Solar cells have proven to be reliable, lasting as long as 20 years.
Solar energy is now being used to heat hot water for homes. It is working so well, that some countries, such as Japan encourages all new buildings to have this system included in the design. Heating domestic hot water has becoming popular in California and Florida as well. Solar hot water is also being used as an alternative source of heat for homes cutting, down on the amount of fossil fuels needed to heat the home. Solar hot air panels are also in use as an alternative system for home heating. The units are installed in the south facing wall of a home. They are larger than a conventional window and usually incorporate a fan run off of solar energy. As the unit reaches a certain temperature, the fan circulates air from inside the home through the unit, heating the air as it passes through. It is then circulated back into the house. So the answer to my question is yes. Technology is being used for other products successfully. We have indeed begun to use alternative sources of energy in our daily lives. As we do so, we will be helping our environment. We are saving on fossil fuels and are cutting our living expenses as well.
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